Hollywood beauties with large and beautiful busts (21 photos). The most busty Russian celebrities The most beautiful breasts of Russian stars

Each of which can safely say: “Size matters.”

The 23-year-old model has 34D breasts. With such data, it was not difficult for the blue-eyed blonde from Michigan to start a career in show business. Discovered by the Elite agency, she quickly received a contract with swimsuit manufacturer Beach Bunny. Kate's photos in Sports Illustrated magazine brought her worldwide fame: a minimum of clothing, a maximum of advantages.

Upton's purely American appearance, oddly enough, created problems for her. According to Kate, a number of agencies refused to deal with her because she was “too standard.” The relationship with Victoria's Secret also did not work out - Upton starred in the catalogue, but did not receive the honor of becoming an “angel”: the brand’s casting director Sophie Neophytou said that Kate has the characteristics of a “footballer’s wife” and a face that “anyone” can afford rich man".

But the young lady is not offended or complex: her goal is “to be an example for those who torture themselves with diets.” As for 34D, no matter how the tabloids write about supposed dissatisfaction with such wealth, Kate is happy with everything: “I love my body.”

The star of "Modern Family", as befits a temperamental Latina, is fickle in relation to her own shape. Either she thanks God for such prominent breasts, admitting that it was 32F that helped her make her career, or she publicly envies Gisele Bündchen - they say, I dream of being just as fragile.

Temptations and enticements accompanied Sophia throughout her life. Having reached her 18th birthday, she told her mother that she would have her breasts reduced, to which she heard in response: “I’ll damn you!” Starting to conquer Hollywood, Vergara almost listened to the advice of one of her agents - to become more standard. Fortunately, everything remained in place, and no matter what the actress says now, she is “proud of her body.” Still would.

During her stormy creative life, Britney radically changed her appearance, gained weight, lost weight (though not much) and seemed to have undergone breast surgery several times. At the beginning of the 2000s, the singer openly stated that she was burdened by size 36C, experiencing “love-hate” towards her own shapes. Large breasts are inconvenient, she said, making it clear that she would not mind having them reduced. It is difficult to say for sure whether Britney realized her intentions, however, judging by the latest photos, her former splendor is no longer striking.

The Mad Men star's outstanding 85DD form has enriched many plastic surgeons: in 2010, in Britain, the number of women who went under the knife for breast augmentation increased by 10%. Hendrix herself says that she is tired of questions about the 85DD and is surprised - does anyone really think that her breasts are unnatural?

“At first it was inconvenient, but then I learned to love what I have,” says the actress, complaining, however, that there are few designers in Los Angeles who are ready to “lend her dresses.”

A few years ago, British doctors conducted a survey among patients whose stellar body parts they considered ideal. It turned out that the best breasts are just those of. Many questions have been raised about whether these breasts are real or whether plastic surgeons did their best; Kim herself said in 2011 that she did not go under the knife.

Believe it or not, everyone decides for themselves, but there is no doubt that Kardashian’s assets grew to size F naturally the year before. Thanks for this we must say to our daughter North West, who was born in August 2013. Last spring, Kim expressed a desire to still go on the operating table to reduce her breasts. The husband, according to sources, is dissatisfied with this intention.

The British woman, whose bust is considered almost the best in the world, regularly experiences bouts of self-doubt: “I often feel that, apart from my breasts, nothing is valued about me.” At the same time, Kelly admits that it was only thanks to her size 34E that she made a career in film. And no matter how much the tabloids call her “silicone Venus,” there are basically no implants in Brooke’s body. “I am all for natural beauty,” says the 35-year-old beauty, who promised last year to never resort to the services of plastic surgeons.

Growing up in a religious family, Katie made original requests to God as a teenager. “I prayed that I would have such breasts that, if I lay in bed, my legs would not be visible,” the singer recalls. Dreams came true, but who knew that every medal has a reverse side and “they will fall into the armpits?”

The stars' breasts haunt fans and journalists, especially considering that they do what they want with their busts: sometimes they increase them, sometimes they increase them. The shapes of some TV stars are so curvaceous that many doubt their naturalness, but the ladies continue to insist that they have not had plastic surgery.

Top 7 Russian and foreign stars with large natural breasts - in the material.


The American model and actress is the happy owner of size four breasts. The model is an object of desire for men all over the world, and she has graced the covers of the most popular fashion magazines more than once.

However, Upton herself has repeatedly stated that she would be happy to have her breasts reduced. According to her, because her breasts are too large, it is difficult for her to select certain items of clothing. Also, because of her sexual forms, she became an object.


The American actress used to have breast size 5, thanks to which the star posed freely for candid photo shoots and tried on the most daring outfits on the set. However, later the star began to appear in public with a much less impressive bust. Journalists and fans suggested that she was either tired of the “heavy burden” or that her breasts had shrunk due to childbirth and constant sports training.


The Russian TV presenter is proud of her size 5 breasts, which, as she herself assures, were given by Mother Nature herself. Chekhova stated that such curvy figures became her ticket to life. Of course, these are not the only advantages and talents of a girl, however, in order to become successful, you must first attract attention to yourself.

By the way, recently Anfisa, and size five began to look more like size four. However, this does not make her any less attractive.


Mother of three children, but despite this, her breasts are still sexy. Fans say that even if the star’s breasts are not natural, they look amazing. In addition, the star is often asked to tell her how to care for her décolleté, but Sedokova is in no hurry to reveal her beauty secrets.


There are heated discussions about breasts every day. Fans agree that it is impossible to have such a slim figure. Conjectures and mini-investigations of Semenovich’s fans are regularly published on the Internet, archival photos are compared with more recent ones in order to expose the singer. However, the star assures that her curves are natural.


Kaliningrad plus-size model

The American actress, star of the series “Mad Men,” also belongs to the category of celebrities with large breasts. She proudly wears a size seven. According to some estimates, Hendrix's bust size even reaches a figure eight.

Of course, with such a bust it is impossible to remain unnoticed by journalists who talk about the celebrity’s breasts being implants. The star is outraged by such rumors, and she assures that she did not turn to plastic surgeons.

“There must be many good women,” says a well-known but incorrect proverb. There can be any number of good women, and in Hollywood there have always been and are stars with a variety of shapes. But if in the dispute between Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe you are on the side of the latter, then you should be interested in our hit parade, in which we have collected the current Hollywood film and television stars with the most impressive busts.

Please note that the breast size information we provide is approximate and not necessarily accurate at the time you read the article, since celebrity busts often change over the course of a career thanks to personal trainers and plastic surgeons. The latter, by the way, both enlarge the breasts and reduce them, and we were forced to exclude from the hit parade several performers who were previously known for their volumes, but then abandoned them. There are also no music stars who sometimes appear in films (sorry, Mariah Carey!), and former celebrities who have retired (sorry, Lindsay Lohan!). Breasts are breasts, and professional viability comes first for us.

20. Blake Lively. 3rd size

Rising Hollywood star Blake Lively cannot yet boast of a long track record, but it is filled with well-known films: the teen drama “Talisman Jeans,” the collection of short films “New York, I Love You,” and Ben Affleck’s crime drama “City of Thieves.” . Blake is also known for her leading role in the popular “female” series “Gossip Girl” and for marrying her “Green Lantern” co-star Ryan Reynolds.

19. Jennifer Lawrence. 3rd size

Until relatively recently, only her parents and her agent knew about the existence of Jennifer Lawrence, but now she is perhaps the main Hollywood star. And this is not the case when a single role puts an actress on a pedestal who is unable to repeat her great success. People started talking about Lawrence as soon as she began playing leading roles in 2008, and since then she has been praised without interruption, wherever the star starred - in the low-budget “independent” drama “Winter’s Bone”, in the comic blockbuster “X-Men: First Class” ”, in the blockbuster series “The Hunger Games”, in the romantic tragicomedy “My Boyfriend is Psycho” or in the criminal tragicomedy “American Hustle”. And what interviews she gives! It seems like Lawrence could become famous just by being funny and sincere on the red carpet. It was thanks to her frankness that we learned that the actress is embarrassed about her bust, because her breasts are asymmetrical. Well, Jennifer, this, of course, is a terrible crime against beauty, but we gladly forgive you for it.

18. Kirsten Dunst. 3rd size

Kirsten Dunst won a Golden Globe for her performance in Interview with the Vampire when she was just starting to transition from girl to girl, and fortunately, her early fame did not bring her the “curse of child actors” who are forgotten as soon as they stop playing junior high school kids (or little vampires). On the contrary, Interview with the Vampire, Little Women and Jumanji became a springboard for Dunst, thanks to which the girl soared to the blockbuster heights of Spider-Man and made her way into prestigious arthouse films like Melancholia by Lars von Trier.

Although Dunst's roles only occasionally require the star to emphasize her curves, she is very proud of her breasts and even seems to suffer from the fact that all the directors treat her the same way as the director of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 3 (on the set of this film Dunst wore an enhancement bra to enhance her curves.)

17. Uma Thurman. 3rd size

Historically, Hollywood stars, regardless of gender, are usually not distinguished by impressive height, and compared to her colleagues, the 180-centimeter Uma Thurman often seems like a towering figure. It's no surprise that it inspired Quentin Tarantino to create Kill Bill. When you're making a two-part blockbuster about a woman cutting her way through hordes of enemies, it's good if the main character looks menacingly dangerous, even against a whole crowd of armed men. However, most of Thurman’s famous roles required her acting talent, not skill with a katana: “Dangerous Liaisons,” “Henry and June,” “Gattaca,” “Pulp Fiction,” “Nymphomaniac.”

As for the actress’s breasts, they are known not only for their size, but also for the fact that in 2007, Thurman appeared on the red carpet in London in a translucent dress that practically exposed her right breast. This scandal is still remembered as an example of the fact that risque dresses should be tried on in the brightest possible light.

16. Heather Graham. 3rd size

“I have breasts and I’m not embarrassed to use them!” - Heather Graham seems to say to anyone who studies her erotic filmography. The list of her explicit roles is so long that you just want to check whether it’s worth transcribing her last name in the French manner. After all, such filmographies are usually found only among famous Parisian women, who are much less embarrassed to be naked than their Hollywood colleagues. But Graham is not only not French, but also not an “erotic star.” Whether she strips completely or stays in a bikini, the actress does it for the sake of dramatic or comedic scenes, and not for the sake of horny viewers. “Boogie Nights”, “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me”, “Killing Me Softly”, “The Hangover”, “Compulsion”... All these films are deservedly famous not only for what Graham did in them.

15. Amanda Seyfried. 3rd size

How to distinguish Amanda Seyfried from many of her star peers? It’s very simple - because most of her famous roles are in “female” films and TV series. Be it her acting debut in long-running soap operas, the cult high school comedy Mean Girls, the drama series about the Mormon polygamist clan Big Love, the musical Mamma Mia!, the arthouse drama Chloe or the fantasy thriller Red cap." However, we also saw her in the “male” science fiction film “Time” and in the biopic about the famous porn actress “Lovelace”.

At 19, Seyfried had an impressive size 4 breasts, but her bust decreased by a size as the actress lost weight in subsequent years.

14. Halle Berry. 3rd size

Say what you want about Halle Berry's acting talents and the disgraceful failure of Catwoman, but no one can take away from the actress the honor of being the first black star to win an Oscar for a leading female role. Yes, the award for Monster's Ball may not have been entirely deserved. But what famous prizes are given solely and exclusively for contributions to art, without taking into account a variety of political and politically correct considerations? None. So Berry has something to be proud of in addition to her participation in the blockbuster series “X-Men” and in the “Bond” film “Die Another Day,” as well as her early roles in “black” cinema (in particular, in the romantic drama by Spike Lee “ Dengue"). Berry also boasts perhaps the largest bonus in Hollywood history, paid for a single scene. The actress received $500 thousand for exposing her perfect breasts in the crime thriller Swordfish Password. Why was the bonus so big? Because it was Berry's first on-screen nudity.

13. Jennifer Love Hewitt. 3rd size

What you need to know about Jennifer Love Hewitt? First of all, in 2008 she was recognized as the sexiest woman on American television. An amazing achievement, considering that there seem to be more beauties on American TV than in Hollywood films. And Hewitt beat them all. Moreover, while starring in the series “Ghost Whisperer,” which, after all, was not an outright erotic show, but a relatively respectable paranormal drama. By the time Talk was released, the actress was already well known to American and foreign audiences thanks to her appearances in other TV series and films like the horror film I Know What You Did Last Summer, but the role of the medium became her calling card.

In recent years, Hewitt has worked almost exclusively in television. Officially, the actress is considered to have size three breasts, but some experts (rather, “sex experts”) believe that Hewitt’s impressive bust is size four.

12. Angelina Jolie. 3rd size

Angelina Jolie is in an unusual career position right now. On the one hand, she is still an undisputed superstar, and the stunning commercial success of Maleficent clearly demonstrated this. Because this was one of those rare occasions when people flocked to the cinema to see a certain actress in a certain role. On the other hand, “Maleficent” was released after Jolie’s four-year acting break (we don’t consider voicing “Kung Fu Panda 2” to be a full-fledged star role), and it seems that now the continuation of her recently launched directorial career is more interesting for the star than appearing in other people’s films . In addition, in recent years, Jolie has been discussed more often as a wife, mother and woman than as a Hollywood actress.

But no matter what happens to her, she's still damn attractive. Even though she now has artificial breasts. As you know, doctors recently removed Jolie’s natural “gifts” in order to greatly reduce the risk of breast cancer, from which the actress’s mother and aunt died (Jolie’s family on the female side is genetically predisposed to this form of cancer).

Thank God Mexican-American star Salma Hayek looks the way she does now! Moreover, “thank God” in the previous phrase is not an expression, but an appeal. Because Hayek once admitted in an interview that she was teased at school with “the board” and that one day she came to church and prayed to Jesus to send her breasts. And God helped her! And it worked so well that when she starred in the vampire film From Dusk Till Dawn years later, her brief appearance as a stripper was enough to make Hayek unforgettable even for those who had not yet seen her in the lead or even in significant supporting role.

Unfortunately, her Mexican roots and the associated limited range of possible Hollywood roles prevented her from becoming a superstar. But outwardly Hayek was always worthy of it. And her Oscar nomination for her title role in Frida was well deserved.

Surprising fact: although Susan Sarandon's filmography is chock-full of on-screen nudity, she is not associated with it at all. This is what dramatic talent means! The actress undresses on the screen, and the audience thinks not about her body, but about the fact that she is playing with her face. So Sarandon is not one of those who continued his path to fame with his breasts. She did this by working with brilliant directors and finding powerful roles in outstanding scripts.

Sarandon was first nominated for an Oscar in 1980, for Louis Malle's romantic-crime film Atlantic City, and to date she has four nominations and one statuette for her role in the drama of her then common-law husband Tim Robbins, Dead Man Walking. . Her natural breast size is third, but thanks to successful plastic surgery, her breasts have increased in size and acquired a better shape than could be expected from a no longer young beauty.

If you don't pay much attention to American television series and have no interest in the Star Trek epic, you've probably never heard of the fan controversy still simmering over Jeri Ryan's appearance in Star Trek: Voyager. Introduced into the show in the fourth season, Ryan strutted around in a skin-tight costume that showed off her assets, and many Star Trek fans were offended at being seen as sex-obsessed teenagers who watched science fiction shows for "big boobs."

There was more to Ryan's character than just her looks, however, and the sarcastic cyborg Seven of Nine would have been an excellent addition to Voyager even if played by a less "gifted" actress. Hence the controversy surrounding this production move, which boosted the series' ratings and saved it from cancellation. Both before and after Voyager, Ryan worked almost exclusively in TV.

Successful ideas in Hollywood often come in twos. In 2005, the “doubling” happened with a mystical show about a female medium who communicates with the other world. In September, Ghost Whisperer with Jennifer Love Hewitt was released, and in January, The Medium with Patricia Arquette. In terms of sex appeal, Hewitt then surpassed her competitor, but Arquette, thanks to plastic surgery, had slightly larger breasts.

Arquette also boasts a more impressive film career and a whole bunch of awards, including an Oscar and a Golden Globe, which she received for playing the mother in Richard Linklater's film Boyhood.

Katherine Heigl began acting as a teenager, and she first became famous around the world when she played the niece of the main character in the action film “Under Siege 2: Dark Territory.” Before this filming, she was teased at school as a “board,” and when Katherine returned from Los Angeles to her home state of Connecticut, her classmates decided that she had undergone plastic surgery in California - her breasts had doubled in size! In fact, it was an ordinary female growing up.

Heigl had plastic surgery only relatively recently, and now her bust is larger than it was while working on her star “adult” roles in the TV series “Grey’s Anatomy” and the romantic comedy “Knocked Up.” After a series of commercial failures and behind-the-scenes scandals, the actress was forced to move from big cinema to television.

How different are TV mothers? Katey Sagal's filmography can be used to answer this question. In the 1980s and 1990s, she played a lazy, selfish mom on the sitcom Married with Children. In the early 2000s, Sagal landed the role of a “proper,” responsible middle-class mother in the sitcom “8 Simple Rules for My Teenage Daughter’s Friend.” And in recent years, she has been “burning” as the matriarch of a biker gang in the TV series “Sons of Anarchy.” One and the same actress, and completely different women and mothers!

Her recognizable voice is also known to fans of the animated show Futurama, in which Sagal voiced the main character, the one-eyed mutant Lila. Unfortunately, she had almost no film roles. But she always had impressive breasts, which were most easily seen on the TV series Married with Children, where she almost always wore deliberately revealing outfits.

It's good to be Captain America! Of course, this superhero has many difficulties and problems. But in difficult times, he can always say to himself: “A girl with size 5 breasts loved me!” And this is by no means the only plus of Peggy Carter, whom we saw in “The First Avenger” and in the series “Agent Carter”. She is a beauty, an excellent student, an athlete, a heroic warrior... And also a convinced feminist, which is not necessarily a plus for a woman in the 1940s.

But Steve Rogers never seemed to mind this. As for the performer of the role of Carter, Hayley Atwell is also a wonderful woman - a young British theater actress who has recently regularly acted in films and on TV.

Kat Dennings once said in an interview that she dreams of playing a superheroine with an eccentric director like Tim Burton. After that, she actually managed to make her way into two episodes of Thor, but only as a friend of the main character, as far from superheroism as possible. Well, at least this is the best use of the girl's comedic gift, which would have gone to waste if Dennings played serious roles.

So she's probably already come to terms with the fact that in the coming years her career will be built around roles like the sassy and witty waitress Max, whom Dennings portrays in the sitcom 2 Broke Girls. Many of the jokes in this show play on the heroine's impressive breasts, and the actress always readily shows them off, appearing on the red carpet in low-cut dresses. Keep it up, Kat!

Frankly, we weren't sure if we had the right to put Scarlett Johansson so high in this hit parade, since in some recent photos the actress appears with smaller breasts than we are used to seeing. But since Johansson is now a young mother, we can assume that her breasts, reduced by athletic exercises for action roles, will return to their usual impressive appearance. On the other hand, Johansson deserves the highest positions in the beauty charts, even when her breasts fluctuate downward.

Because her body is perfect in any bra size. Her acting achievements, admittedly, are not so impressive, but she has a lot of popular films and colorful characters to her credit. Of the latter, of course, this is Natasha Romanoff from the Marvel film cycle, whom we have already seen in Iron Man 2, The Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. We'll soon see her again in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

When Colombian Sofia Vergara developed size 5 breasts at the age of 13 (since then they have increased even more), the girl was in such shock that she began to dream of plastic surgery. She understood perfectly well that with such breasts she would never be taken seriously. Her mother, however, convinced Sofia that her bust was a gift from God, and since then the actress has not allowed herself to even think about breast reduction. Although, when she moved to the United States, her agent advised her to “tweak” herself in order to qualify for more than just overtly sexy roles.

As might be expected, Vergara did not immediately break into the stars, but when this happened, her success turned out to be international. Sofia was invited to the sitcom “Modern Family,” which is now considered one of the main hits of American television. And large breasts turned out to be very useful for the role of an eccentric “Latin” beauty who seduced an elderly American.

How to determine the winner of a star contest with the most impressive breasts? Very simple. It is enough to know that, according to the Association of British Plastic Surgeons, English women began to have breast enlargements noticeably more often when the historical drama “Mad Men” with Christina Hendricks in one of the main roles began to be shown on TV. Moreover, the British female politician Lynne Featherstone, during her service in the cabinet, said that beauties like Hendrix should be shown more often on television in order to defeat the epidemic of bulimia and other pathological manifestations of women’s struggle with excess weight.

The actress herself, however, was very upset that she was being discussed as an inflatable doll, and not as a star playing a complex dramatic role. But for women with her shape, this is, unfortunately, a common thing. Well, at least Hendricks won several professional awards and multiple nominations for her work on Mad Men. And her star fame is probably worth the fact that men sometimes look lower than her eyes.

Large breasts are a bright symbol of femininity and an object of admiration for men. A large bust is the first thing that catches your eye, and then it’s the turn of its owner.

Women with large breasts are always in sight, in the spotlight. And this attitude is justified. It's not every day that you meet a lady who can't see her shoes behind her bust.

It so happens that the women with large breasts who are on the other side of the border are the most visible. Perhaps any of us, without hesitation, can name a couple of foreign celebrities with large breasts.

Russian women with large breasts are less known. Perhaps because our girls have not gotten into the habit of enlarging their breasts upon reaching the age of 21, as in Europe. Although, the love for silicone is great in Russia.

10 Russian women with the largest breasts

First place takes Maria Zarring, model, TV presenter and journalist. The girl has breast size 12.

The TV personality actively appears in magazines and writes stories. It's hard to believe, but sexy Maria has a journalistic education and partly works in her specialty, combining essays with photo shoots.

Maria was born in Moscow, graduated from college and got married. She prefers not to talk about her personal life.

Maria has by far the largest breasts that Russian women have. The girl is known for her photo shoots in swimsuits, because despite her impressive bust, Maria takes care of her figure, so she boldly undresses in front of the camera.

Maria's bust is in excellent condition, her breasts are well-groomed and firm, despite the heavy weight.

Second place rightfully belongs Anne Semenovich, Russian singer and TV presenter. Anna never tires of asserting that her size six breasts are the result of the exceptional effect of the cabbage leaves that she ate in her youth.

Anna has appetizing breasts, they are round and look like two balls.

Now we can say with confidence that the singer became famous only thanks to her forms. Her large bust has always been discussed more often than her work.

To go out, the TV personality chooses dresses with a deep neckline that extremely hug her chest.

On the third place Anfisa Chekhova. She has a size 5 breast.

The TV presenter became famous throughout the country thanks to her bust. Anfisa has a rather large figure, a massive lower body, so the presenter prefers to broadcast while sitting at the table, so that her face and chest are in close-up, and everything else remains behind the scenes.

It would seem that just recently Anfisa Chekhova hosted a program on intimate topics together with the most famous stripper in the country, but more than six years have passed. Despite the passing years and changes in Chekhova’s activities, the whole country remembers her precisely as the host of a frank program.

Fans adore her for her outstanding figure, sharp mind and sense of humor.

Fourth place took Alena Vodonaeva, once a notorious participant in a program about the construction of love and more, and now a popular model and socialite. The TV personality has a size 5 breast and a slender figure with a thin waist.

In recent years, Alena has kept her fans on their toes by talking about her desire to reduce her bust. The socialite claims that such a magnificent bust is a gift of nature, and reducing it is her long-time dream.

However, months pass, followed by years, and Vodonaeva’s bust remains unchanged, to the delight of fans.

Fifth place at Nadezhda Granovskaya.

Her extraordinary appearance and ability to sing helped the singer become famous and become an object of desire for men.

The singer never tires of assuring fans that her bust is natural; whether this is so is anyone's guess. However, the possible presence of silicone in her breasts does not bother men who are in love with Nadezhda. The number of her fans is only increasing every day.

On sixth place - Irina Dubtsova with a full third breast size.

Irina Dubtsova is known for her talent as a poet and composer. The singer has a beautiful and memorable voice, thanks to which she is recognized from the first notes.

Irina Dubtsova became famous thanks to her talent, first of all, external data played a supporting role.

Irina is one of the few famous women who openly admits that she has artificially enlarged her breasts.

The singer was always burdened by her small breast size and wanted a prominent bust; she gladly went under the plastic surgeon’s knife, and the result pleased her.

Note that Irina was lucky with plastic surgery; her breasts look natural and have a streamlined shape. It does not look like a ball, the resemblance of which is always given away by artificial breasts.

Now Irina wears low-cut dresses and proudly shows off her curvy figure. However, the singer is somewhat prone to obesity and is forced to constantly deny herself desserts in order to maintain her figure.

On seventh place - Lera Kudryavtseva

The slender blonde and popular presenter has a third breast size. Lera is a favorite of the public, not to mention the opposite sex. She knows how to choose the most spectacular outfits and present her figure in the best possible way.

Lera is not only a TV presenter, but also a popular model; she is confidently among the top 10 Russian women with the largest breasts.

Lera has a clothing size of 42, in combination with which her third breast size looks feminine and makes men sigh languidly on the other side of the screen.

Eighth place took Emilia Vishnevskaya

The Russian model, and now also a singer, is known more abroad and mainly to men.

Emilia has a third breast size and a sexy figure; she began her career as a model, appearing for popular men's magazines. She has crowds of admirers all over the world who eagerly follow the girl’s successes.

Now Emilia lives in Spain and works there. Recently she set her goal as a singer and, I must say, she has vocal abilities.

On ninth place Irina Shayk

The Russian fashion model has a third breast size and drives not only football players, but all men in the world crazy. Irina has excellent appearance and a chiseled figure.

We are proud that our compatriot has become a popular foreign model.

Irina is rightfully included in the top 10 Russian women with the largest breasts.

Tenth place belongs Nastasya Samburskaya

The actress and model from Priozersk has a third breast size. Nastya has an ideal athletic figure, which she achieved with the help of daily exercises. Nastya's bust is toned and elastic, and, according to men, it looks gorgeous against the backdrop of her slender figure.

Samburskaya became famous after the TV series Univer. Now Nastya is a sought-after theater actress. In addition, Nastya is a popular fitness trainer.

Fans adore her for her acting talent and, of course, for her beautiful figure, as well as for her willpower in relation to training.

Please note that the breast size information we provide is approximate and not necessarily accurate at the time you read the article, since celebrity busts often change over the course of a career thanks to personal trainers and plastic surgeons. The latter, by the way, both enlarge the breasts and reduce them, and we were forced to exclude from the hit parade several performers who were previously known for their volumes, but then abandoned them. There are also no music stars who sometimes appear in films (sorry, Mariah Carey!), and former celebrities who have retired from the race (sorry, Lindsay Lohan!). Breasts are breasts, and professional viability comes first for us.

20. . 3rd size

Rising Hollywood star Blake Lively cannot yet boast a long track record, but it is full of well-known films: the teen drama “Talisman Jeans”, the collection of short films “New York, I Love You”, the Ben Affleck crime drama “City of Thieves” , an unsuccessful but sensational comic blockbuster “Green Lantern”, Oliver Stone’s crime thriller “Wanted”... And the soon-to-be released fantasy-romantic drama “The Age of Adaline”, where the partners of the star who received the title role were Harrison Ford, Ellen Burstyn and Kathy Baker . Blake is also known for her leading role in the popular “female” series “Gossip Girl” and for the fact that three years ago she married her “Green Lantern” partner Ryan Reynolds. At the end of last year their daughter was born. Belated congratulations!

19. . 3rd size

Until relatively recently, only her parents and her agent knew about the existence of Jennifer Lawrence, but now she is perhaps the main Hollywood star. And this is not the case when a single role puts an actress on a pedestal who is unable to repeat her great success. They started talking about Lawrence as soon as she began playing leading roles in 2008, and since then she has been praised without interruption, wherever the star starred - in the low-budget “independent” drama “Winter's Bone”, in the comic blockbuster “X-Men: First Class” ", in the blockbuster series "The Hunger Games", in the romantic tragicomedy "My Boyfriend is Psycho" or in the criminal tragicomedy "American Hustle". And what interviews she gives! It seems like Lawrence could become famous just by being funny and sincere on the red carpet. It was thanks to her frankness that we learned that the actress is embarrassed about her bust, because her breasts are asymmetrical. Well, Jennifer, this, of course, is a terrible crime against beauty, but we gladly forgive you for it! Its upcoming premiere is the final episode of The Hunger Games.

18. . 3rd size

Kirsten Dunst won a Golden Globe for her performance in Interview with the Vampire at a time when she was just beginning to transform from a girl to a girl, and, fortunately, her early fame did not bring her the “curse of child actors” who are forgotten as soon as they stop playing junior high school kids (or little vampires). On the contrary, “Interview with the Vampire,” “Little Women” and “Jumanji” became a springboard for Dunst, thanks to which the girl soared to the blockbuster heights of “Spider-Man” and made her way into prestigious arthouse films like “Melancholia” by Lars von Trier. Her upcoming premiere is the science-fiction film “Midnight Special,” released at the end of autumn, directed by “Shelter” Jeff Nichols. Although Dunst's roles only occasionally require the star to emphasize her curves, she is very proud of her breasts and even seems to suffer from the fact that all the directors treat her the same way as the director of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 3 (on the set of this film Dunst wore an enhancement bra to enhance her curves.)

17. . 3rd size

Historically, Hollywood stars, regardless of gender, are usually not distinguished by impressive height, and compared to her colleagues, the 180-centimeter Uma Thurman often seems like a towering figure. It's no surprise that she inspired Quentin Tarantino to create Kill Bill. When you're making a two-part blockbuster about a woman cutting her way through hordes of enemies, it's good if the main character looks menacingly dangerous, even against a whole crowd of armed men. However, most of Thurman’s famous roles required her acting talent, and not skill with a katana: “Dangerous Liaisons”, “Henry and June”, “Gattaca”, “Pulp Fiction”, “Nymphomaniac”... Her next release is a culinary production comedy "Adam Jones" starring Bradley Cooper as the chef. As for the actress’s breasts, they are known not only for their size, but also for the fact that in 2007, Thurman appeared on the red carpet in London in a translucent dress that practically exposed her right breast. This scandal is still remembered as an example of the fact that risque dresses should be tried on in the brightest possible light.

17. . 3rd size

“I have breasts and I’m not embarrassed to use them!” - Heather Graham seems to say to anyone who studies her erotic filmography. The list of her explicit roles is so long that you just want to check whether it’s worth transcribing her last name in the French manner. After all, such filmographies are usually found only among famous Parisian women, who are much less embarrassed to be naked than their Hollywood colleagues. But Graham is not only not French, but also not an “erotic star.” Whether she strips completely or stays in a bikini, the actress does it for the sake of dramatic or comedic scenes, and not for the sake of horny viewers. “Boogie Nights”, “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me”, “Killing Me Softly”, “The Hangover”, “Compulsion”... All these films are deservedly famous not only for what Graham did in them. Her upcoming premiere is the independent comedy “My Dead Boyfriend,” the second directorial work of the star of the series “ER” Anthony Edwards.

15. . 3rd size

How to distinguish Amanda Seyfried from many of her star peers? It’s very simple - because most of her famous roles are in “female” films and TV series. Be it her acting debut in long-running soap operas, the cult school comedy Mean Girls, the drama series about the Mormon polygamist clan Big Love, the musical Mamma Mia! ", the arthouse drama "Chloe" or the fantasy thriller "Little Red Riding Hood". However, we also saw her in the “male” science fiction film “Time” and in the biopic about the famous porn actress “Lovelace”. Among its upcoming premieres is Joe Wright's fantasy film Pan, released this year, a new variation on the Peter Pan theme. At 19, Seyfried had an impressive size 4 breasts, but her bust decreased by a size as the actress lost weight in subsequent years.

14. . 3rd size

Say what you want about Halle Berry's acting talents and the disgraceful failure of Catwoman, but no one can take away from the actress the honor of being the first black star to win an Oscar for a leading female role. Yes, the award for Monster's Ball may not have been entirely deserved. But what famous prizes are given solely and exclusively for contributions to art, without taking into account a variety of political and politically correct considerations? None. So Berry has something to be proud of in addition to her participation in the blockbuster series “X-Men” and in the “Bond” film “Die Another Day,” as well as her early roles in “black” cinema (in particular, in the romantic drama by Spike Lee “ Tropical fever"). Berry also boasts perhaps the largest bonus in Hollywood history, paid for a single scene. The actress received $500 thousand for exposing her perfect breasts in the crime thriller “Password Swordfish.” Why was the bonus so big? Because it was Berry's first on-screen nudity.

13. . 3rd size

What you need to know about Jennifer Love Hewitt? First of all, the fact that in 2008 she was recognized as the sexiest woman on American television. An amazing achievement, considering that there seem to be more beauties on American TV than in Hollywood films. And Hewitt beat them all seven years ago. Moreover, while starring in the series “Ghost Whisperer,” which, after all, was not an outright erotic show, but a relatively respectable paranormal drama. By the time Talk was released, the actress was already well known to American and foreign audiences thanks to her appearances in other TV series and films like the horror film I Know What You Did Last Summer, but the role of the medium became her calling card. In recent years, Huett has been working almost exclusively on television, and is now firmly established in the detective show Criminal Minds. Officially, the actress is considered to have size three breasts, but some experts (rather, “sex experts”) believe that Huett’s impressive bust is size four.

12. . 3rd size

Angelina Jolie is in an unusual career position right now. On the one hand, she's still an undisputed superstar, and the stunning commercial success of last year's Maleficent demonstrated that. Because this was one of those rare occasions when people flocked to the cinema to see a certain actress in a certain role. On the other hand, “Maleficent” was released after Jolie’s four-year acting break (we don’t consider the voice acting for “Kung Fu Panda 2” to be a full-fledged star role), and it seems that now the continuation of her recently launched directorial career is more interesting for the star than appearing in other people’s films . In addition, in recent years, Jolie has been discussed more often as a wife, mother and woman than as a Hollywood actress. But no matter what happens to her, she's still damn attractive. Even though she now has artificial breasts. As you know, doctors recently removed Jolie’s natural “gifts” in order to greatly reduce the risk of breast cancer, from which the actress’s mother and aunt died (Jolie’s family on the female side is genetically predisposed to this form of cancer). The actress’s upcoming premiere is her directorial and acting work “By the Sea,” released this year, where Jolie starred with her husband Brad Pitt.

eleven. . 3rd size

Thank God Mexican-American star Salma Hayek looks the way she does now! Moreover, “thank God” in the previous phrase is not an expression, but an appeal. Because Hayek once admitted in an interview that she was teased at school with “the board” and that one day she came to church and prayed to Jesus to send her breasts. And God helped her! And it helped so well that when years later she starred in the vampire film From Dusk Till Dawn, her short appearance as a stripper was enough to make Hayek unforgettable even for those who had not yet seen her in the lead or at least in a significant role. supporting role. Unfortunately, her Mexican roots and the associated limited range of possible Hollywood roles prevented her from becoming a superstar. But outwardly Hayek was always worthy of it. And her Oscar nomination for the title role in Frida was completely deserved. Her upcoming release is the romantic comedy How to Make Love in English, released this year, in which Hayek starred with Pierce Brosnan and Jessica Alba.

10. . 4th size

Surprising fact: although Susan Sarandon's filmography is chock-full of on-screen nudity, she is not associated with it at all. This is what dramatic talent means! The actress undresses on the screen, and the audience thinks not about her body, but about the fact that she is playing with her face. So Sarandon is not one of those who continued his path to fame with his breasts. She did this by working with brilliant directors and finding powerful roles in outstanding scripts. Sarandon was first nominated for an Oscar in 1980, for the romantic-crime film Atlantic City by Louis Malle, and to date she has four nominations and one statuette for her role in the drama of her then common-law husband Tim Robbins Dead Man Walking " Her natural breast size is third, but thanks to successful plastic surgery, her breasts have increased in size and acquired a better shape than could be expected from a no longer young beauty.

9. . 4th size

If you don't pay much attention to American television series and aren't interested in the Star Trek epic, you've probably never heard of the fan controversy still simmering over Jeri Ryan's appearance in Star Trek: Voyager. Introduced into the show in the fourth season, Ryan strutted around in a skin-tight costume that showed off her assets, and many Star Trek fans were offended at being seen as sex-obsessed teenagers who watched science fiction shows for "big boobs." There was more to Ryan's character than just her looks, however, and the sarcastic cyborg Seven of Nine would have been an excellent addition to Voyager even if played by a less "gifted" actress. Hence the controversy surrounding this production move, which boosted the series' ratings and saved it from cancellation. Both before and after Voyager, Ryan worked almost exclusively in TV. The actress played her last major role to date in the TV series “Investigation on the Body”.

8. . 4th size

Successful ideas in Hollywood often come in twos. In 2005, the “doubling” happened with a mystical show about a female medium who communicates with the other world. In September, Ghost Whisperer was released with, and in January, The Medium with Patricia Arquette. In terms of sex appeal, Hewitt then surpassed her competitor, but Arquette, thanks to plastic surgery, had slightly larger breasts. Arquette also boasts a more impressive “film” track record and a whole bunch of awards, including an Oscar and a Golden Globe, which she recently received for her performance as a mother in Richard Linklater’s film Boyhood. Right now, however, Hyutt has more to be proud of. After all, her show “Criminal Minds” is definitely more successful than Arquette’s latest release, the series “CSI: Cyberspace,” which critics call one of the most ridiculous premieres of the season.

7. . 4th size

Katherine Heigl began acting as a teenager, and she first became famous throughout the world when she played the niece of the main character in the action film Under Siege 2: Dark Territory. Before this filming, she was teased at school as a “board,” and when Katherine returned from Los Angeles to her home state of Connecticut, her classmates decided that she had undergone plastic surgery in California - her breasts had doubled in size! In fact, it was an ordinary female growing up. Heigl had plastic surgery only relatively recently, and now her bust is larger than it was while working on her stellar “adult” roles in the TV series “Grey’s Anatomy” and the romantic comedy “Knocked Up.” After a series of commercial failures and behind-the-scenes scandals, the actress was forced to move from “big” cinema to television. She is currently listed on the series State of Affairs, but it is not yet known whether this show will have a second season.

6. Katey Sagal. 5th size

How different are TV mothers? Katey Sagal's filmography can be used to answer this question. In the 1980s and 1990s, she played a lazy and selfish mother on the sitcom Married with Children. In the early 2000s, Sagal landed the role of a "proper", responsible middle-class mother in the sitcom 8 Simple Rules for My Teenage Daughter's Friend. And in recent years, she “burned” as the matriarch of a biker gang in the TV series “Sons of Anarchy”. One and the same actress, and completely different women and mothers! Her recognizable voice is also known to fans of the animated show "". She is a beauty, an excellent student, an athlete, a heroic warrior... And also a convinced feminist, which is not necessarily a plus for a woman in the 1940s. But, it seems, Steve Rogers never objected to this... As for the performer of the role of Carter, Hayley Atwell is also a wonderful woman - a young British theater actress who has recently regularly acted in films and on TV. Her upcoming premiere is “2 Broke Girls”. Many of the jokes in this show play on the heroine's impressive breasts, and the actress always readily shows them off, appearing on the red carpet in low-cut dresses. Keep it up, Kat!

3. . 5th size

Frankly, we weren't sure if we had the right to put Scarlett Johansson so high in this hit parade, since in some recent photos the actress appears with smaller breasts than we are used to seeing. But since Johansson is now a young mother, we can assume that her breasts, reduced by athletic exercises for action roles, will return to their usual impressive appearance. On the other hand, Johansson deserves the highest positions in the beauty charts, even when her breasts fluctuate downward. Because her body is perfect in any bra size. Her acting achievements, admittedly, are not so impressive, but she has a lot of popular films and colorful characters to her credit. Of the latter, of course, this is Natasha Romanoff from the Marvel film cycle, whom we have already seen in Iron Man 2 Modern Family, which is now considered one of the main hits of American television. And large breasts turned out to be very useful for the role of an eccentric “Latin” beauty who seduced an elderly American.

1. . 7th size

How to determine the winner of a star contest with the most impressive breasts? Very simple. It is enough to know that, according to the Association of British Plastic Surgeons, English women began to have breast enlargements noticeably more often when the historical drama “Mad Men” with Christina Hendricks in one of the main roles began to be shown on TV. Moreover, the British female politician Lynne Featherstone, during her service in the cabinet, said that beauties like Hendrix should be shown more often on television in order to defeat the epidemic of bulimia and other pathological manifestations of women’s struggle with excess weight. The actress herself, however, was very upset that she was being discussed as an inflatable doll, and not as a star playing a complex dramatic role. But for women with her shape, this is, unfortunately, a common thing. Well, at least Hendricks won several professional awards and multiple nominations for her work on Mad Men. And her star fame is probably worth the fact that men sometimes look not in the eyes, but lower... Hendrix’s next release is the detective film “Dark Secrets”, released in 2015, based on the novel by the author of “Gone Girl” Gillian Flynn.
